There are many factors that affect the health and appearance of your lawn and garden, such as soil pH, watering, mowing, fertilizing, weeding, and aerating, as well as the products you use to look after it

Test your soil pH at least once a year and amend it if needed. The ideal pH for most grasses is between 6.0 and 7.01. You can use lime to raise the pH or sulfur to lower it2.

Water your lawn and garden deeply but infrequently, preferably in the early morning or evening. Avoid watering during the hottest part of the day or when the soil is already wet.

Aim for about an inch of water per week for your lawn and adjust according to the weather and plant needs.

Mow your lawn regularly but don’t cut it too short. The optimal height for most grasses is between 2.5 and 3.5 inches. Cutting your grass too short can stress it and make it more prone to weeds and diseases.

Keep your mower blades sharp and clean to avoid tearing the grass.

Fertilize your lawn and garden according to the soil test results and the type of plants you have. Use organic or slow-release fertilizers that provide balanced nutrients and improve the soil quality. Avoid over-fertilizing as this can harm the plants and the environment.

Weed your lawn or garden regularly to prevent it from competing with your plants for water, nutrients, and space. Pull out weeds by hand or use a hoe or a weed whacker to cut them down.

Avoid using herbicides unless absolutely necessary as they can damage your plants and the soil life.

Aerate your lawn at least once a year, preferably in spring or fall, to improve the air and water flow in the soil. You can use a manual or a power aerator to create small holes in the turf that allow the roots to breathe and grow deeper.

This will also help reduce soil compaction.

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